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Store Ginger - Best Way

I use fresh ginger liberally in my cooking. So I usually buy a big quantity to save time frequenting the supermart. Problem is, fresh ginger stored in the pantry gets dry and all wrinkled up quickly. Whether left on the shelf or kept in the pantry. I thought perhaps keeping the ginger in the fridge, wrapped in newsprint, would keep it longer. Alas, that didn't work: the ginger got moldy within a week or so. I found that ginger expires water, making the newsprint soggy and the ginger moldy.

Then I came across this article: What's the Best Way to Store Ginger ?

Rob Gravel, the author, found a zip bag in the  fridge's crisper box keeps fresh, unpeeled ginger as long as two months! Any longer than that, he'll peel the ginger and use the vodka method: stored in vodka, the ginger remains firm and crisp, and still has a strong flavor after two months!

However, several articles on the Net advise not to keep ginger in any form of alcohol or cooking oil due to the risk of botulism. Botulism poisoning can be fatal. If you aren't already aware of the risks, please google for info and keep informed.

  • I tested Gravel's method. On 20-Nov-11 I bought a sizeable hunk of fresh ginger, put in a zip bag, and store it in the fridge. Now, 9 days later, the ginger still look crisp and fresh in the zip bag. Nine days, that's great as previously the fresh ginger didn't keep that long in the fridge without growing moldy! I spied some water droplets on the skin, wiped that off and returned the bagged ginger to the fridge. Will check the ginger again after another few weeks of fridge storage.
  • 04-Dec-11 (15 days since test-date) Wow! Today as I update this post, the ginger is still fresh, not wrinkled or moldy. It's already 2 weeks - that's good enough for me: Gravel's method to store ginger is now verified and confirmed!
Anyone partial to ginger-infused vodka?!! *grin, grin*

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